Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome to my official website. First of all I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Andrew Wilson. I am currently running against Dennis Cohoon for the office of Iowa State Representative, district 87. I am a Libertarian and a Republican.

I am not here to tout credentials or say that I'll be the best for this office because of decades of experience. Experience, it seems, has delivered us into this mess. I will not let this election become a slap-fight of records and past experiences. Now is a time for new ideas, because the old ideas and cookie-cutter ideologies have become archaic and thankfully driven toward extinction by the cries of constituencies all over this country. In a perfect world a democracy would elect those who best represent the people they mean to serve, but as it stands it's whomever throws the most money at the problem gets the proverbial cake. Offices shouldn't even be metaphorically portrayed as a cake. It's a service, not a privilege.

Here I will list how I stand on the issues, and I welcome those so inclined to come here and ask questions.

Economically I am for decentralized, limited government.

What we really need is a tax system on a steady curve, while promoting the job market with the reworking of the commercial tax system.

For example:

>30k would pay no taxes

30-50k would pay 6% in Taxes

50-75k would pay 7% in Taxes

75-100k would pay 8% in Taxes

 Combine that with a healthy cut to the red tape involving starting a business, and both a widespread yet surgical approach to removing business regulation. I want to see more Iowans becoming the 'Job Creators', not some CEO states away who doesn't give a hoot about the Iowan plight.

Financial Assistance: This is where I differ from other Republicans and Libertarians, economically. I see no differentiation between "Working families" and "Welfare recipients." 1 in 5 families now receive assistance from the government. There's just not that many jobs out there. When the only employment some can get is part time because full time employment is dwindling in the corporate world. Yeah, some people are going to need help paying for food and necessities. I have two plans for alleviating this.

1.) Give companies tax incentives for prioritizing hiring full time employees. 2.) Work for assistance programs where those who are receiving unemployment benefits or food stamps would be provided work with infrastructure and public works projects to give those receiving the benefits both work experience and hands-on training doing things such as construction, road maintenance, electrical work, concrete work, etc. Of course, single parents seeking a diploma, the elderly and disabled would be exempt.
Social Issues and Personal Liberty

Same-sex marriage

First of all, to get to the root of the problem you examine the separation of church and state. This was a fundamental agreement by most founding fathers to keep us from delving into both the church controlling the state AND the state controlling the church.

You have to look at the negative repercussions to BOTH sides. First of all, the church superseding the state impedes on the rights of those who don't adhere to that faith. Second of all, a religion is made up of many belief structures. I like to use this example: Rick Santorum, a huge proponent of the abolition of the aforementioned separation. He is a Roman Catholic. If the separation would be reduced or even removed, what would the State adhere to? Catholicism? I don't think many Protestants or Evangelicals would appreciate that. It goes a lot deeper than merely saying we're a Christian nation. Some Christian churches do, in fact, welcome same-sex marriages. So saying we're a Christian nation and disenfranchising their beliefs would be one church imposing their beliefs on another. Not to mention that the state can impose regulations on your church. Personally I am a man of limited government and I wouldn't like to see the government impede on a religious center's right to practice their religion.

Same goes for marriage. If it is a religious term, let the religions decide for themselves what does or doesn't constitute a marriage. I want the state out of the entire equation altogether. If a religion wants to allow same-sex marriages, so be it.

Pro life or Pro choice?

Do I think that it's morally appalling that abortion is used as a common form of birth control? Yes. Do I think it should be completely illegal? No.

There are so many questions and debates in this subject I'd be writing for days on the morality and justification. However I can try and simplify it with a couple of plans.

More funding and oversight into the adoption process and adoptive care. Increased incentive to become a parent. College tuition, increased funded childcare and healthcare, increased assistance for single mothers.

A family is more than your typical mother, father, and children. It's also a single mother or father, his or her children, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. In today's world the family has come to see some dramatic changes, but in the end it's a group of people who love and cherish each other. I see more candidates "Defending the family", but things happen. Things we can't predict, things that happen in an instant and we can't do anything about it. It's up to us as a society of caring people to provide understanding rather than backlash and anger.

I look forward to speaking with you all in the coming months. Thank you for your time in reading this.

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